27-Change of program

If yesterday it was raining, this morning we could hear from our room the splashes of trucks and cars outside.  More rain!

What to do, we had planned to see the sanctuary where every year the Monarc Butterflies hibernate in large quantities. It was not to far from where we where, but at an altitude of 3000 m (almost 10000 feet) and we had to walk 2 km to get to the place where we could see them. 

With the present conditions, rain and cold, we decided to cancel this visit. Later I found out that they had a mudslide and it was closed off. After the fact we realized we had made a good decision.

So that left us that I had reached my final destination and from here I was going North direction home again.

We both agreed it was the moment to say good by and split our route. Myself, North and Keshau going South.

We packed our bikes, gave each other a big hug and got on our saddles.  A quick stop down the road  at an OXXO to get some cash for my remaining journey.

Then both retracted the few miles back to the highway and waved the final good bye.

I was thinking of Keshau now totally on her own. The language barrier makes things much more difficult for her and hoped all would be fine.

I decided to head to Salamanca, Queretaro, and then to San Luis Potosi. It was going to be mountain roads and rainy so took no chances but take the toll-highway.

Soon I rode by this landscape an bird sanctuary and had to stop and take my camera out.

Because I was in the high planes around 2000 m (6500 feet) the weather changes quickly, here some threatening clouds and was happy to have my heated gear on. 52F.

Stopped at a Pemex for gas, had a mexican hot-dog and chips and decided to sit at the only little table available where two gentlemen where having also their lunch. They made a gestion I could sit next to them, so I did and soon started the conversation.

You can guess it, from where I was coming and where I was going to. Next thing is the comment about my spanish accent.....yes have to explain I grew up in Spain......’ah.....por eso habla tan bien el español’ (that is the reason you speak good spanish) and they smile.  Next question is my motorcycle....hm....what type....hm......how much does it cost in the US.

I told them......you want to know very much while smiling.......and yes, my gut feeling told me to  be helpful and I give them a rough price for a used one. They appreciate the information about the bike because it is not a general knowledge for them. Yes by comparing they see, they have to pay heavy import duties.

I asked them too some questions about the production of agriculture here. The bad weather has ruined many crops, specially salad, which I could smell the rotteness along the way.

After finishing my lunch continued my route until next Pemex, where I talked the only mexican BMW rider with a 650 Dakar.

Talked for a short while. He was preparing for a 2 year long ride around the world leaving in a few months. He recommended me to take another route to Reynosa, and I changed it accordingly and ending my day her in Matehuala.  I realized I had made very good progress in one day.

Found a nice little hotel with internet and safe parking and decided to have a nice dinner when receiving a call from Pedro that Keshau had troubles with her bike.

She was South of Mexico City in the town of Cuernavaca.

After e-mails back and forth and options for her, she has decided to abandon her trip to Pamama  and ride instead to where I am, go back to the US and together cross into the USA.

I am just hoping she makes it with no problems.

I am constantly checking her SPOT. Thanks to Spot, it is a real valuable thing to have.

© Nina Boonacker 2012